Background Music

Special Instructions



Austerity: The Pilgrims should follow strictly the directions of Guru that they should reach Sivagiri in yellow robes after following 10 days austerity based on five purities (Purities of body , word, mind, food and deed).

All of them should also follow the five ethics

Nonviolence (Ahimsa),
Celibacy ,
Abstinence of liquor)
propounded by the Guru.

Worship - Convenience for offering to diety: The devotees can have darshan at the Maha Samadhi and Sree Sarada Mutt from 5 a.m to 12 in the night. There will be Deeparadhana (waving of lamps before the diety) and group prayer at the Mahasamadhi and Sree Sarada Mutt on all days from 6.00 am to 7.00 p.m. Separate counters are arranged for offerings such as Gurupooja, Gurupushpanjali, Sarada pushpanjali etc. A food coupon will get along with each Gurupooja receipt for Rs. 25/- . The devotees who perform Gurupooja will get food according to this coupon from the Gurupooja Hall. Coupons are not transferable. In order to get remains of offering - food to all those who perform the Guru Pooja, Buffet system is also arranged.
Arrangements are also made to get the specially prepared Aravana Payasam to the devotees at the rate of Rs. 40/- per tin.

Receipts for all kinds of offerings can be had conveniently from the special counters of the Federal Bank, Varkala Branch at the Mutt.

Norms to be followed by the Pilgrims at Sivagiri: The premises of temple and asramom at Sivagiri not to be polluted. In order to keep them neat and tidy the commands of Gurudev that “ nobody should spit, chew or smoke in the eastern side of the bridge (entrance to Sivagiri)” to be strictly followed.

The space in front of the stage is provided only for the pilgrims in yellow robes. Silence to be kept during the period of programmes and be fully co-operated with the volunteers. No loud speakers should be used in such a way disturbing the programmes in the auditorium. All pilgrims must be attentive to take part in the pilgrimage procession to be held on the morning of December 31 as usual, as per directions of the Committee. The Theerthadana procession will end at the Mahasamadhi and in the meeting to be held thereafter, Brahmasree Prakasananda Swamikal, President of the Dharma Sanghom Trust will give the Message. Special convenience arranged for the pilgrims: The Emergency wing of the Sivagiri Sree Narayana Medical Mission Hospital, Dr. M.P Velu Memorial Homoeo Clinic, Anjengo, Dispensary of Govt. Ayurvedic Department etc., will work throughout the days of pilgrimage. Mutt Publications: The publications of Sivagiri Mutt such as Literary works of Gurudev, Interpretations, Biographies, Pictures of Gurudev, and works of other publishers relating to the Gurudev, hymns of Gurudev, C.Ds, Paper weights, stickers, key chains etc., which contain the pictures and messages of Gurudev, can be had from the Book Stall of Sivagiri Mutt.

Sivagiri Magazine: Provision is made in the Magazine stall to enrol subscribers to the Sivagiri Magazine, the voice of sivagiri Mutt and thereby becoming as participants in the propagation of Sree Narayana Dharmam. The annual subscription of magazine is Rs.125/- and life-long subscription Rs. 1500/- Sivagiri (English) Quarterly: Enrol as subscribers to Sivagiri (English) Quarterly, voice of Sivagiri Mutt. Annual subscription Rs. 100/- and life-long Rs. 1250/-