Background Music

Wednesday 27 July 2011



Ohm Gurur Brahmah Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheswara
Guru Sakshadh Param Brahmah
Thasmai Sree Gurave namah



Daivame! kaathukolkangu
kaividathingu njangale
naavikan nee bhavabdhikko-
ravivanthoni nin padham


Onnonnayenniyenni tho-
ttennum porulodungiyaal
ninnidum dhrikku polullam
ninnil aspandhamakanam


Annavasthradi muttathe
thannu rakshichu njangale-
dhanyarakkunna nee onnu thanne
njangalkku thampuran


Aazhiyum thirayum kaattum
aazhavum pole njangalum
mayayum nin mahimayum


Neeyallo srishtiyum srashtav-
ayathum srishtijalavum
neeyallo daivame srishti-
kkulla samagriyayathum


Neeyallo mayayum maya-
viyum mayavinodanum
neeyallo mayaye neekki
saayujyam nalkumaryanum


Nee sathyam njanamanandham
nee thanne varthamanavum
bhoothavum bhaviyum veralla
othum mozhiyum orkkil nee


Akavum puravum thingum
mahimavaarnna ninpadham
pukazhthunnu njangalangu
bhagavane jayikkuka


Jayikkuka mahadeva
dheenavana parayana
jaikkuka chithanantha
dhayasindho jayikkuka


Aazhamerum nin mahassa-
maazhiyil njangal aakave
aazhanam vaazhanam nithyam
vazhanam vazhanam sukham




Narayana moorthe Guru Narayana moorthe
Narayana moorthe Guru Narayana moorthe


Arayukilandhatwamozhichadi mahasin
neram vazhi kattum Guruvallo paradaivam
Aradhyanathortheedukil njangalkkavidunnam
Narayana moorthe Guru Narayana moorthe


Anparnnavarundo paravijnanikalundo
vampakevedinjullavarundo ithupole
munpayi ninachokkeyilum njangal bhajippu
ninpavana padham Guru Narayana moorthe


Anyarku gunam cheyvathinayassuvapussum
dhanyatwamodangatma thapasum bali cheyvu
sanyasikalillingane illillamiyannor
vanyasramamelunnavarum Sree Guru moorthe


Vadhangal chevikkondu mathapporukal kandum
modhasthithanayangu vasippu malapole
vedhagama saarangal arinjangoruvan than
bhedhadhikal kai vittu jayippu Guru moorthe


Mohakularam njangale angedayadippu
snehatmakamam pasamathil kattiyizhappu
aaha bahulaksham janamnge thirunama
vyahara balathal vijayippu Guru moorthe


njangalkkusubham cherthidumee njangede yogam
engum jana chithangalinakki prasarippu
mangathe chiram ninpukal pol Sree Guru moorthe


Narayana moorthe Guru Narayana moorthe
Narayana moorthe paramacharya namaste

Mahakavi Kumaranasan



Ohm namami Narayana padhapankajam
karomi Narayana poojanam sadha
vadhami Narayana nama nirmalam
smarami Narayana tatvamavyayam


Ohm poornamadhah poornamidham
poornadh poornamudhachyathe
poornasya poornamadhaya
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti:


Sunday 24 July 2011

Golden Words of Guru

A...Ahimsa (non-killing or no himsa) is the greatest of all virtues. One who observes the Dharma of Ahimsa is the true manifestation of goodness. One who possesses all virtues except "ahimsa" is none other than a brute.

B...Buddhists Christians Mohammedans, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus and the followers of all other Religions and sects strive to achieve a common objective Eternal Bliss As their aim is identical with all the religions are homogeneous.

C...Cleanliness is Godliness, Bearing this dictum in mind one should observe the five external and internal purities of body, mind, senses, abode and action.

D...Divine bliss, the life eternal creates supreme satisfaction to the soul far more greater than all worldly pleasures prompted by sensual indolence, which are momentary and transient With this noble goal in mind, men should surge forward for salvation.
E...Enjoying the five fruits of voice from taste, smell and touch again and again, the five birds of senses (i.e.) ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin, living in the carge of human body emitting foul smell be conquered with the arrow of "self realization".

F...Fastening tightly the string of devotion in the bow of mind, all sins and evil deeds should be smitten with the arrow of supreme knowledge.

G... God the supreme being is "Dharma" (Charity). Dharma is the greatest of Wealth, Dharma invariable wins. Dharma is also instrumental for the greatness of men.

H...Husband loves not his wife for her happiness and the wife addresses not her husband for his pleasure, They reciprocate their love and devotion only for the satisfaction of the Self.

I...If the ideals and ideologies of different saints, sages, and philosophers and synchronized and called as a single religion in the name of religious fonder, why not a synthesis of all religions be contemplated and called as a universal religion of religious principles common to mankind be enunciated.

J...Judging one's religion based on his faith, mental attitude, custom and culture is not the proper perspective. They are transient.

K...Knowledge is supreme Bliss : Relisation of the inner self that glows in all human beings is the true knowledge.

L...Let there be diversity of profession, nationality and language among men. But the Dharma that is inherent in the hearts of all men is "humanism" and that is the caste of man.

M...Man without compassion is tantamount to a lifeless mass of flesh emanating foul stink. Man sans mercy is like a flowers of a fruit bereft of small and desert without water.

N...Not argue and win but to know and make known should be our motto.

O...One who dwells in egoism differentiating "I" and "You", "This man" and "That man", "High" and "Low" however great he may be does not make any difference with a beast.

P...Paganists and hot heads of multifarious religions plead for supremacy of their own religion as blind men tried to establish the identity of an elephant by touching a part of the body of the elephant. Men should study all religions with equanimity, equal frame of mind, Wisdom and devotion.

Q...Quickly gest one frightened mistaking the beautiful stretch of a garland as a snake in the dim light. This is the delusion gest on "Brahma" the Satchidanandha.
R...Religion of man will find its perfection only when the cult 'Ahimsa' preached by Lord Budha Love by Jesus Fraternity among men by Mohammed Nabi and the philosophical thoughts of Rishis of India find their confluence and consummation.

S...Sublime, will it to practice the precept then to propound and preach thousands of ideologies. What experimented in action and practiced as Good, should alone be preached. Action and not preaching is essential.

T...The ship to cross the sea of life replete with sorrow and misery is the holy name and sacred feet : The commander of the vessel is thyself. Noble it will be to generate fraternity among man. All the hurdles which hamper the realisation or this goal should be cleared.

U...Unlike a common man, Sanyasi is the personification of goodness who, by renouncing his self, strives hard for the Welfare of mankind. Sanyasi is a Thiagi and a Great Benefactor.
V...View not an ideology of a master mind alone as the ideal and perfect one and accredit as the theory. This may be reckoned as the way to seek the ultimate truth of all.

W...Wealth and all activities of man should be aimed at not only for promoting the interest of himself, the society and the nation to which he belongs, but also for the successive growth and welfare of entire mankind.

X...X-Ray Photo and equipments exhibit the psychic self of a man when it impinges in him, But the everlasting bliss "The Supreme consciousness" is exhibited by the Gnana of a great Guru.

Y...Your happiness, my happiness, his happiness etc., are only a figment of imagination. There is only one happiness and that is the "supreme bliss".

Z...Zealots who renounce their self and toil hard for the enlistment of their fellowmen enter the Kingdom of God Motivated by egoism if he upholds his selfish interests only, it will immerse him ever into the burning hell.

Tuesday 28 December 2010


The Guru was born on the 26th of August (1855) at Chempazhanthy, a village about 12 km north of Trivandrum, in a middle class Ezhava family. His father Madan Asan was a farmer and the village schoolmaster and his wife Kuttiamma was a kind hearted pious woman. After three daughters, a son was born to them, on the third day after the Onam festival, under the star of Shathabhisham (Chathayam in Malayalam). The boy's maternal uncle, Krishnan Vaidyar, a physician and astrologer, predicted that this boy would change the course of history.

The boy was christened 'Narayana' and was fondly called 'Nanu'. Nanu grew up like a normal child, with the natural mischievous tendencies of an intelligent child. The practical jokes he played indicated the future iconoclast and the rationalist. He used to get into the room of worship and consume the sweets and plantains offered to the family deity, before it was pronounced blessed.

As a child, Nanu did not care for the rules of untouchability, because he did not find any logic in it.
Nanu was introduced to formal education on a Vijayadasami Day by Chempazhanthi Pillai, the local Nair Chief and Village Officer. Nanu proved to be a brilliant child who imbibed everything. He was exposed to Sanskrit Language and literature at home also. Within a short period he gained so much knowledge that he had to be sent for higher education. He was sent to Kummampally Raman Pillai, under the patronage of the Varanapally household. In due course of time Nanu became an expert in Ayurvedam, a scholar of Sanskrit, Hindu Scriptures and Philosophy.

He wanted to be a teacher, but his family would not permit him to teach Parayas, Pulayas and Kuravas who were supposed to be lower castes than 'Ezhava'. As an educated young man, he tried to protest against this discrimination, but his family would not listen. The family tried to tie him down in a marriage. But he broke free and to register his protest, he left his home. The seeds of revolution were sown in his mind. His mind was in confusion - the confusion that prevails in the mind of every seeker of Truth.

He wandered about in search of Truth. During his wanderings he worked for sometime in a Tamil book shop, Trivandrum. He learnt Tamil during this period and devoured Tamil literature and philosophical treatise like Thirukkural, etc. He became so proficient in Tamil that in future he could compose poetry in Tamil.
While he was wandering through Manakkad area, he met Kunjan Pillai Chattambi (who later became Chattambi Swamy) who was a social revolutionary in the making. They became quit intimate resulting in a life friendship. Discussions with Chattambi Swamy might have helped him to organise his thoughts.
He learnt yogic practice which made his inner powers explicit. He lived with the poor and ate the food given by the untouchables. He discussed religion with Christians and Muslims. He saw that the essential.

Monday 27 December 2010



Austerity: The Pilgrims should follow strictly the directions of Guru that they should reach Sivagiri in yellow robes after following 10 days austerity based on five purities (Purities of body , word, mind, food and deed). All of them should also follow the five ethics [Nonviolence (Ahimsa), Truth, Astheyam(Non-stealing), Celibacy , Abstinence of liquor)]
propounded by the Guru.
Worship - Convenience for offering to diety: The devotees can have darshan at the Maha Samadhi and Sree Sarada Mutt from 5 a.m to 12 in the night. There will be Deeparadhana (waving of lamps before the diety) and group prayer at the Mahasamadhi and Sree Sarada Mutt on all days from 6.00 am to 7.00 p.m. Separate counters are arranged for offerings such as Gurupooja, Gurupushpanjali, Sarada pushpanjali etc. More...



At the beginning of 1928 while the Sree Narayana Guru was camping at Nagampadam temple at Kottayam, a couple of his ardent disciples - Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidyan and Kittan writer - hesitantly mooted the idea of “Pilgrimage to Sivagiri”. Swamiji enquired them about the object of the pilgrimage but they couldn’t reply. Hence the Guru himself explained that the aim of Theerthadana (pilgrimage) must be for the creation of a comprehensive knowledge among the people for their overall development and prosperity and suggested certain norms to be observed. The pilgrims should reach Sivagiri in yellow garb as the symbol of devotees, after following a brief ten day austerity based on Sree Budha’s five purities of Body, Word, Mind, Food and Deed. Guru underlined the need for education, cultural and moral purity for the yearly meet. January 1, the new year day was suggested for the Pilgrimage and it should be so planned to focus attention on eight subjects - Education, Cleanliness, Piety, Organised Endeavour, Agriculture, Trade, Handicrafts and Technical Training  Read More......

Guru's Words

A...Ahimsa (non-killing or no himsa) is the greatest of all virtues. One who observes the Dharma of Ahimsa is the true manifestation of goodness. One who possesses all virtues except "ahimsa" is none other than a brute.

B...Buddhists Christians Mohammedans, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus and the followers of all other Religions and sects strive to achieve a common objective Eternal Bliss As their aim is identical with all the religions are homogeneous...... More....